Friday, May 24, 2013

Baked Potato Bar

I’m not sure how extensively I’ve mentioned my job at work or the fun things that I’m in charge of there but I figure this is as good a time as ever to give a little more detail on what I do for my “real” job. Sometime shortly after I was hired, I was made the leader of the team that does the company event planning, naturally. 😜
I REALLY enjoy this portion of my work, granted it can be rather consuming of my personal time but nonetheless its something I’m thankful to be involved in.
A week before I was planning on leaving for my vacation I thought it’d be a great idea to host a baked potato bar as a staff appreciation lunch. it actually turned out to be a total hit and who knew you could cook potatoes in a cooler!? I sure as heck didn't.
I spent all of Tuesday and Wednesday prepping for this thing, making salad, chilies, chopping up toppings, and 4:45am rolled around Thursday morning at which point I was required to pull myself out of bed and being baking potatoes. I can honestly say this was the first (and hopefully last) time that I've found myself wondering “do I sleep in another 15 minutes or get up to bake potatoes”. Considering how exhausted I was by the end of this I’m a little surprised nothing went majorly wrong. As a matter of fact, the only thing that would have made this better was more bacon and if the potatoes were a little less cooked when I tossed them in the cooler, but even then, NO ONE complained.
This was definitely an event that had me (and hopefully everyone else) a bit more excited about the possibilities that company events hold. I really do appreciate all of my co-workers and I feel blessed to be in such a (controlling) position, in which I have the ability to let them know their work is appreciated.
All the managers at the company ended up pulling me into their office this week to give me a thank
you card and a gift which really made me feel loved. It was a great reminder that not only does hard work pay off, but also that the good things that you put out into the world come back to you - maybe not immediately, and maybe not how you’d expect them, but they do. 😊

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