Wednesday, December 25, 2013

January Fitness Challenge

Okay Ladies and Gentlemen, if you're anything like me this holiday season has gotten a little out of hand. Luckily I'm ready to get into the new year and make it better than the last one, starting of course with a new workout schedule. Some of you might remember the last one, this one is definitely toned back a little and I'm looking forward to it a lot (is that weird?). Drum roll please.............

Now I know this little calendar needs some explaining  - I'm not really ready to jump back into a ton of running so this month I'm only doing short runs and really trying to mix things up (Obviously "hoop jam" has never been featured on my workout schedule and I know not everyone hula hoops - if you want to get into it let me know!!!) Also, I know its really hard to get outside for some people (especially if you live in a place that has real winters) so the biggest thing to know about this schedule is its totally adaptable.  Just notice there are 3 cardio days (mon., wed., fri.) and two strength training days. Saturday is meant to be a fun active day - maybe you do yoga, maybe you go for a walk, maybe you spend all day cleaning (I'm talking scrubbing the tub, mopping the floors, moving the furniture kind of cleaning - don't think laundry counts!) Make it work for you.

Next the Daily 110 is an adaptation of a daily challenge that I actually never completed. This is a reminder to give 110% every day...I'm gonna be shooting to do this in the morning or right before bed - I'm really a fit-it-in-where-I-can kind of person (so maybe that means doing it broken up during work - I dont know, we'll see) This one should be INSANELY manageable. Take a look:

Be on the lookout for my upper body routine coming in the next couple days. 

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