Who's ready for a fitness challenge?!
I'll admit, the last month has not been my most glorious when it comes to my activity level. I've ended this month feeling a bit more like a bump on a log than I'd like so I decided it was time to revamp my workout plan and start doing things that will help me reach one of the "resolutions" I set about 6 months ago.
I'd really like to have a dedicated workout 5-6 nights a week... right now I manage about 3-4 but really would like to bump those numbers up. Now, I know everyone has their own starting point and right now this might seem a little crazy to some and too easy to others, but keep a couple things in mind: one, this is supposed to be a challenge. two, you can modify anything you'd like (or message me and we'll figure something out) to make it work for you. This is, after all, just my personal plan.
How it works:
we're shooting for 6 days a week. 4 days of cardio, 2 days of strength training and a daily "AA Challenge". Sunday will always be your rest day!
Short run days:
This run will be my timed run. Set a route and run the same route, tracking your time. I'm gonna shoot for something around 3-3.5 miles.
Upper Body:
I'll upload what my plan is for this day when i figure it out. - just pick your favorite upper body workout and go at it... finish up with 20 minutes of cardio. :)
I'll probably be at the gym and on these days, slaving away on the elliptical for 45-60minutes. i'll keep everyone updated on this, especially after week 1. (in case this needs adjusting)
Lower Body:
I'll upload what my plan is for this day when i figure it out. - just pick your favorite lower body workout and go at it... finish up with 20 minutes of cardio. :)
Find the most grueling set of staircase in your area and run up and down them two at a time, as fast as you can, for a half hour.
Long Run:
Take whatever your short run was and add at least a mile to it. Take this run slow, enjoy it...let it help get rid of the ache and remind yourself that you get to rest the next day! ;)
And last, but certainly not least....
Daily Abs and Ass challenge!
Things to note:
Don't feel like you have to do everything in one set - if you have to break it up throughout the day thats TOTALLY okay! this is just supposed to be that extra push.
Form is most important! Theres no point doing 100 shitty anythings... and you certainly dont want to hurt yourself. Do as much as you can, the best you can do it!
If you cant do all of something, make sure you track it anyway... dont be discouraged by not doing something, be encouraged by watching yourself progress. Just try your best
and finally....
LET ME KNOW IF YOU DO THIS WITH ME!!!! I'll be posting before and afters :)