Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Skirts Skirts Skirts!

So you've heard about my sewing machine.....

ya know when you learn to do something, but your skill is still rather limited so you do the same thing over and over and over again? like when you're a kid and you're learning to draw so you keep drawing a picture of your puppy... well that's me and my sewing machine. I've got enough skill to work the thing but right now I've just been making variations of a skirt. Regardless of how unrefined my sewing skills are, my friend asked if I'd be willing to make her something for work! Sweet! 

She picked out this awesome mustache fabric and let me go to town. Thank you K for trusting in me! 

The skirt takes about an hour and a half to me (for me) and I think the end result is remarkable. I know this summer it'll be so much easier to be in dresses and skirts all the time! I'm soooo looking forward to it. 

K wore this skirt to her job interview and posted this picture. HOW STINKIN' CUTE! 

I guess I can add this to my list of skills and services now. : )

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