Monday, February 27, 2012

One Sock at a Time

WARNING: the photo you are about to see may not be suitable for all audiences.
Viewer discretion is advised.

I have a confession...

The mattress, well what you can see of the mattress in this picture...doesn't belong to some crazy spoon and toothpick hoarding, cat loving, old woman...
It's mine.

YIKES! what a mess!!!!
let me just say... this is 95% clothes and 5% art...that's not meant to justify this simply serves as reassurance that I'm not in a bio-hazard area. I'm gonna be honest... I've always struggled with keeping my clothes hung up. Do people REALLY use hangers? I'm not entirely sure but...we can save that for another day.

Today lacked productivity (except for my now awesomely clean bed)...I spent the morning being mostly lazy. That laziness seeped into the afternoon and I really needed my coffee around 2:30. About 2 cups into  my fresh brewed pot I decided to make some finishing touches on a canvas I'd been working on... my paint pen however... had disappeared into the mountain of clothes that consumed my bed early last week. This meant I had two options... continue to ignore the pile of clothes, lighters, paint pens, paper, pictures, sharpies...and dare I admit this, peanut butter- OR - actually clean up this dump.

You guessed it. I cleaned up.

You're still probably wondering what the point of this is.... well other than being the most productive thing I did all day, it got me thinking.

When I was a kid, my mom was constantly fighting with us (I have two sisters) over our rooms. "just start at the door, pick one thing up, and work your way in" Now that's excellent advice! A mountain is moved one rock at a time... or in this case one sock at a time, but regardless... I took time to practice a very basic concept, a concept that I need to remember to apply in more aspects of my life.

I often get too caught up in worrying about how something will get done rather than just doing what I know needs to be done...Instead of doing what I can, I let the overwhelming big picture hold me back from just handling the little  doable things, little things that make me happy (like this clean bed). 

But I think we all struggle with getting going at some point or another, and if you don't, PLEASE tell me your secrets.... unless its dark magic ;)

For me, I guess I'll just have to keep reminding myself to just put one foot infront of the other... take one load at a time...cross each bridge as I get to it... You can only plan so many things in life... and even then, the unexpected always comes out of nowhere.

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