Monday, November 26, 2012

anyone want a margarita cupcake?

Work has been going really well for me. Last month I found out I am in charge of a company objective - the objective that involves all the "fun" company activities. Yup, I'm the leader of the fun committee. Part of me wonders if I didn't totally set myself up for this, but either way I'm not complaining. As much of a hassle or stress that planning events can be, its something I really enjoy. I'm a huge fan of the finished product. which brings us these lovely cupcakes!

Lime cupcakes with a tequila and lime buttercream frosting.. mmm the frosting was amazing!!! I served these as dessert at our company's "Taco Tuesday"

the cupcake was super easy, I cheated on these (I'll admit it) so it was just a box of your favorite cake mix, substitute 1/2 the water for tequila, and add the zest of two limes. The buttercream frosting on made on the fly- some butter, a little vegetable shortening, powdered sugar, some tequila, some zested lime, and the juice of the two limes I zested earlier. it was all done to taste... I found myself multiple times in the living room asking my roommate "do you get a little hint of tequila yet?.... how 'bout now??" but as they say hard work pays off. Everyone loved them and seemed to get a kick out of the boozy  little guys. ta da!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Starbucks Art Show

Right before my birthday I finally decided that I was going to look into showing some of the wax work that I've done over the last year or so and started off with an E-mail to this lady that organizes the U-District Artwalks. I sent her a couple samples of the work I wanted to display and she immediately responded, offering me a spot at the Starbucks down the street from my house. HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?! I was completely stoked. September was a really good month for me. It was so rewarding to see all of the time that I had put into these pieces finally pay off. There was such an excellent response to my work and I even sold one by the end of the month.

 When it finally came time for take down in mid October, I messaged Gail to confirm a good time and on the spot, she extended Starbucks wall space to me for another month. I had plenty of other pieces to choose from but ended up making 5 new ones within that week to have something that, to me, seemed more cohesive. That was one of the most stressful weeks, my car had broken down finally when my coolant system decided to malfunction, I had new paintings to complete and install and I was trying to figure out a way to and from work, but all the crazy ended REALLY well.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Milestone.

I turned 21  back in September! 

Figure it's something worth mentioning since this opens up a whole new world of cooking for me. HelllllllloOo wine poached pears and fish and drunken cupcakes (this month's work cupcakes are gonna be Margarita Cupcakes for our Taco Party, I promise I'll report back!) oh the possibilities are endless... 

Here, Have a Cupcake.

First off I owe you a cupcake post. I'm pretty sure that you haven't seen the carrot cake cupcakes I made and frankly, I think they turned out rather adorable.

Plus who can deny carrot cake and cream cheese frosting?!

I just used one of my basic carrot cake recipes and whipped up a quick batch of tasty cream cheese frosting.... the kicker on this project was those little carrots you see....I made each of them and let me tell you.

2 candy carrots per cupcake X 48 cupcakes = a lot of time - a lot of sanity... Never again. not for carrot cake... next time the smashed chocolate cookie topping will be enough. 

New Resolution

#1 Yes, I know it's November.
#2 No I haven't entirely abandoned this blog, yet.... It still crosses my mind and I still have the intention of using it (on a more regular basis). 

With that said... I honestly can't remember the last time I made a post and the list of everything that has happened between that time and now seems astronomical. There have been dozens of cupcakes made, a Halloween party thrown, new projects at work, MAJOR car problems, the flu, art shows (and sales!), tote bags, silk screening, new workout routines,  and I even brought home my old VHS/DVD player (which was probably a mistake). I will be trying to elaborate on some of those a bit more over the next few weeks but the main point of this to state one my new goals.

To post something at least once a week for.  

Ta da!