I got to play fetch with Maddie for a large chunk of may afternoon..
Found my mint plant and two sunflowers were the only living things left from my garden.... which was actually rather remarkable considering the neglect.
I took a trip to Good Will and was lucky enough to find an awesome "me" sized chair (and that super cool cheetah mug) for $20. SCORE!!! it didn't even smell bad and it fit into the corner of my room perfectly!
Now I really just need my art table so I can get some work done and get things organized... slowly but surly things are coming together and I'm feeling more at home.
there are so many projects i want to try now and i really need to figure out a way to better use the vertical space in my house. The ceilings are SO high. it seems wrong to not have things more evenly distributed... maybe its just me?
I'm ready to be settled in...